Mental Health in the workplace


Today all employers have a legal duty of care to their employees. This means they should take all steps possible to protect their mental wellbeing and provide support when needed.



The government has set up core standards for a healthy workplace. Implement these standards into your workplace culture to help improve the mental wellbeing of your workforce.

Discuss managers responsibilities and track their record. Teams showing poor results and surges in sick days may be a sign of poor management skills.


Feeling overwhelmed and having to provide sufficient results in tight deadlines is not the same as being stressed-out; expected to respond to emails at all times of the day and night, and having no time ‘outside’ of work. If you are self-employed you may be tempted to work when it best suits you; however, if you’e working for a company, you shouldn’t be expected to work outside of office hours. Even if you were paid for the extra time, boundaries must be respected on both side.


Are you promoting teamwork and personal growth?

Employers responsibilities

Large Companies

If you are a large company, the HR department should take care of employee’s well-being. They should record any complaint regarding health and safety and abusive behaviours, and also make sure that the mental health checklist is accurate and updated regularly. .

Small Companies

Despite employing less people, you still have a duty of care and should provide a safe environment to your workforce, and implement the government standard listed below.

Core standards for a healthy workplace ensure that every employee is treated fairly and that they receive support if they need it.

It is also important to spot any employee in a crisis and help them seek the help they need.

Mental Health & Wellbeing Checklist

  • Has your organisation produced, implemented and communicated a mental health at work plan?

  • Is your organisation promoting mental health awareness among employees?

  • Does your organisation encourage open conversations about mental health and the support available?

  • Is your organisation providing employees with good working conditions, ensuring they have a healthy work life balance?

  • Does your organisation promote effective people management, ensuring all employees have a regular conversation about their health and wellbeing?

  • Is your organisation routinely monitoring employee mental health and wellbeing in my workplace?


To each question, check the following:

The list above is not exhaustive and must be updated regularly.

Our approach

Contact us to discuss your requirements and we will help you implement the core standards in the workplace. We also provide corporate well-being services, whereas we talk to every employee (1-2-1 or groups) and help them focus on healthy eating and lifestyle habits. We also address their mental health and the impact of stress on their life and productivity.

Corporate Well-being

Support your workforce - Increase productivity.