6 Tips to Rekindle Your Relationship with Food

Embrace the Joy of Eating: A Sensory Journey to Nourish Body and Mind

Let’s look at the incredible worlds of the psychology of eating, sensory eating and mindful eating, and how your outlook can transform your relationship with food, benefiting not only your physical health but also nurturing your mental well-being.

You may ask, “What do my senses have to do with my digestion problems?” or “How is being mindful gonna make me lose fat if I eat fat”?

Well, let me tell you again, dietary fat doesn’t equal fat in your body. Also, depending on where the fat accumulates in your body, it may either be an indication of hormonal imbalance or the result of ongoing relentless stress, anxiety or depression. So, even if you do not eat fat at all, your body will produce cholesterol and you may end up being ill rather than healthy. Why is that? Because the body is mostly made of water but it is also made of fat (and loads of it, think cell membranes, brain tissue, and dietary fats are also essential to assimilate fat-soluble vitamins and other compounds required for health), and protein.

Also, your digestion problems, such as GERD (reflux), bloating and discomfort, diarrhoea and/or constipation, are signs that you are disconnected from yourself, food and the way you eat, which all influence the way your body breaks down, assimilate and utilise the nutrients from the food you eat.

If you buy plastic-wrapped foods and products that go from your fridge or freezer to the oven without even knowing what’s inside, then that food is just as good as a piece of cardboard (and probably as nutritious…).

Let’s look at the senses:


Let's start with the eyes! Take a moment to appreciate the vibrant colours and textures of your food. The rainbow on your plate not only looks appealing but also hints at a diverse range of nutrients. Eating a wide variety of colourful fruits and veggies provides essential vitamins and antioxidants, which are essential to maintain body function, detoxification and support the immune system, and help you keep a radiant skin.


Close your eyes and inhale deeply. The aroma of your meal can trigger a flood of memories and emotions. Savour the scents, as they're linked to the part of your brain responsible for pleasure and memory. Aromatherapy through food can reduce stress and anxiety, enhancing your overall mental well-being.

Smelling (and seeing) food is enough to tell the digestive system to release the juices and enzymes necessary for digestion. Plus, if you cook from scratch, the connection you are establishing with your food can offer relief from most digestive problems. Because, knowing you have made it, the pride hidden in it, and that it is delicious the way you like it, you won’t be rushing to eat it, rather you will enjoy it and savour each morsel.


The star of the show! Engage your taste buds fully. Explore the five primary tastes – sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami. Each taste offers a unique sensory experience and plays a vital role in balancing your diet. Savouring the flavours can lead to more mindful eating, helping you control portion sizes and enjoy your food more.

Take the time to identify each taste but also what memory they bring, or what they make you think of. That meditative work can most certainly help you slow down and chew your food fully. Give it a try!


Listen closely to the sounds your food makes as you prepare and eat it. The sizzle of veggies in a hot pan or the satisfying crunch of a crisp apple can be immensely gratifying. Connecting with the auditory aspects of your meal can help reduce mindless eating and promote a sense of mindfulness, and fullness.


Feel the textures of your food in your hands or with your utensils. Whether it's the smoothness of avocado, the graininess of whole grains, or the juiciness of a ripe tomato, paying attention to textures can make eating a richer experience. Plus, it can help you appreciate the diversity of foods that nourish your body.

Touch your food as you cook from scratch, but also as you pick it from the store. Smell it too if necessary. Does it look fresh and smell fresh? Does it make you happy? How does it make you feel?

Let’s look at other components of mindful eating and using our senses.


Sensory eating fosters a profound connection between your mind and body, promoting mindful eating. This connection can lead to improved digestion and nutrient absorption. Additionally, mindful eating can aid in weight management by preventing overeating and emotional eating. As you eat slower, your mind has enough time to send signals of fullness and thus prevents you from overeating because you eat too fast and too much in one sitting. If you do not feel satiated after a meal, even though your portion was big enough, and feel scrambling in the cupboards to find a treat or reach to the freezer for ice cream, then you need to slow down and give time to your brain to register all that entered your mouth. It cannot do that if you shove food down with a soda or too much liquid…


By engaging your senses while eating, you can unlock a world of emotional healing. Consciously savouring your food can reduce anxiety, alleviate symptoms of depression, and improve your overall mood. It encourages a positive relationship with food, fostering self-compassion and self-esteem.

You do not believe me?

Cook a meal from scratch with love and passion, and think of all the goodness it is going to your body, and sit at the table. Take a moment to look at your meal, to breathe and to meditate if you want. You can also pray or do anything else, as long as it is helping your mind to take a pause and not think about anything else but the food you are going to eat.

Then, chew each mouthful thoroughly and use mindful eating to connect with your senses. If this doesn’t bring you joy, then a plastic-wrapped meal can only make it worse when eating on your knees while watching TV.

Change the way you eat and change the way you see food!

It is not only for energy, it is for you! To support your health! To improve mental function and reduce brain inflammation and anything else that would otherwise make you feel bad,


Sensory eating isn't just about pleasure; it's about health too! Indeed, when you fully engage with your food, you become more attuned to your body's hunger and fullness cues. This can help regulate your appetite and support a balanced diet, which is essential for maintaining a healthy weight and preventing chronic diseases.

Incorporating sensory eating into your daily life is a powerful way to transform your relationship with food. It's a holistic approach that nourishes both your body and your soul. So, next time you sit down to eat, put away distractions and let your senses guide you on a journey of mindful and joyful eating.

Again, food is not just fuel; it's a source of joy, comfort, and healing. Embrace every bite, and watch as your health and happiness flourish!

#SensoryEating #MindfulNourishment #NourishYourSoul

6 Tips to Rekindle Your Relationship with Food

  • Mindful Mealtime:

Set aside dedicated time for your meals. Set regular time if it is necessary.

Turn off distractions like screens and take a few deep breaths before you start eating. Savour each bite, paying attention to the flavours, textures, and aromas. Eating slowly allows your brain to register satiety cues, helping you avoid overeating.

  • Variety Is the Spice of Life:

Incorporate a diverse range of foods into your diet. Each food item offers a unique sensory experience, and this variety can keep your meals exciting and satisfying. Aim to fill your plate with a rainbow of colours and flavours.

Cook and Create: Get hands-on in the kitchen. Preparing your meals allows you to engage with food on multiple sensory levels. Feel the ingredients, smell the aromas as they cook, and take pride in creating something delicious. Experiment with new recipes to keep things interesting.

  • Practice Gratitude:

Before you eat, take a moment to express gratitude for your food. Consider the journey it took from farm to table and the nourishment it provides. This simple act can shift your perspective and make eating a more positive experience.

  • Seek Guidance:

If you have concerns about food, calories, or fats, don't hesitate to consult with us or a therapist specialising in eating disorders. They can provide personalised strategies and support to help you navigate your relationship with food.

  • Challenge Food Myths:

Educate yourself about the nutritional value of different foods and dispel common myths. Understanding that fats are essential for your body's functioning and that calories are a unit of energy, not an enemy, can help demystify these concepts.

Remember, food is not just fuel; it's a source of pleasure, nourishment, and connection. By engaging all your senses and fostering a healthier relationship with food, you can enhance your overall well-being and experience a more joyful and satisfying culinary journey.

#SensoryEating #MindfulNourishment #HealthyRelationshipWithFood


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