Hidden sources that may damage your health, when all you want to do is put your feet up and relax in your own home after spending your day in a very toxic office environment (think EMFs, dirty recycled air (from never cleaned air-conditioning systems), inks and excessive BPA exposure, stress and negative emotions, and much more).


Part 1

Before identifying everyday source of toxins in your home, you may want to ensure that you protect yourself from exposure to toxic compounds in your day-to-day life. Therefore, we urge you to read Detox before Energise (remember you can get your very own copy of Energise, completely FREE).

When we speak about toxicity, we include:
- Air pollutants (which include invisible pollutants released by cars, air and rail transportation, energy production and channeling, as well as a multitude of environment persistent pollutants, that are virtually indestructible and reached alarming (health-causing) levels and are likely to accumulate in the atmosphere, unless we make those responsible accountable! Many of those persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are many thousand times more warming than CO2, and their direct effect on the planet is measurable and undeniable)
- Electrosmog (EMFs, radiation, wifi router, mobile phone, etc.)
- Indoor pollution
- Mould and mycotoxins (damp home)
-Negativity (news, social media, economic crisis, job loss, and any sources that cause you stress or overwhelm, or have you lose sleep), including that of people around you and yourself (negative self-talks — if you keep putting yourself down, or allow others to do it, how can you live a fulfilled, authentic life and be healthy, and find your purpose?)

Indoor air is shown to be many times more toxic than the outside air. This is because poorly-ventilated home retain fumes (from electric and gas appliances, spray bottles, and plastic) and other volatile compounds (fire retardants, scotch guard and similar fabric/mattress-protecting solutions), which you breathe all day and all night. Pollutants and toxic substances are also able to accumulate in the dust that can lodge itself in carpets and soft furnishings. They can be released in the air every time you vacuum your carpets, or be inhaled more easily by toddlers and young children spending more time on the floor. It is thus important to ventilate your home daily, even in winter.




How to Take An Effective Mental Health Day Off